Whether state and local workforce development staff are funded by WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker funds, Wagner-Peyser, or Jobs for Veterans State Grants, all programs share a common goal when serving veteran jobseekers: ensure the best possible employment and training...
Launched in March, 2021, this Meetup provides opportunities for cybersecurity professional development and networking for anybody in the greater Loudoun County, VA area. We’re open to cyber practitioners, consultants, trainers, policymakers, software vendors, students, etc. This Meetup is intended as...
The V3 Program works with the Department of Veterans Services and other strategic partners to help employers develop and implement long-term strategies and nationally recognized best practices in recruiting, hiring, and retaining Veterans. Current Virginia Stats: - Number Certified Companies:...
You have a great business idea, but what is the next step? How do you turn your idea into a great product or service? In this webinar, we show you how to write your "Value Proposition" and use the "Lean...
Your feedback is important to us. Loudoun Economic Development is committed to learning from our small business community and providing the resources and services that are greatly needed in the county. We are excited to see you on September 14...
Should I register my business? What legal structure is best for my business? What kind of business insurance do I need? If you're asking these questions, this webinar is for you. You’ll learn what you need to do to make...
Dulles Town Center has partnered with The Loudoun County Education Foundation to collect donations to contribute to an In-School Pantry Drive. We will be accepting pantry donations such as Healthy Snacks: Chips, Popcorn, Cheez-Its, Goldfish, Crackers, Trail Mix, Granola Bars,...
Join us at Loudoun Therapeutic Riding as we showcase our services and other veteran service organizations in the community in a country setting. Explore resources for veterans, support veteran owned businesses, and come see our beautiful facilities where we provide...