Work In Loudoun

Talent Bridge

Workforce development is a key focus area for our team, leveraging a diverse network of public, private and non-profit service providers to help connect Loudoun businesses and job seekers.

Those efforts include:

  • Constantly marketing the county for talent attraction;
  • Building the workforce pipeline through recruiting, retention and training efforts;
  • Leveraging education partners (K-12 and higher education) to meet the needs of the workforce;
  • Creating programs that train and grow Loudoun’s labor force;
  • Highlighting career expos and career pathways;
  • Collaborating with community partners for education and awareness of labor force services.

Ombudsman Services

Talent Bridge ombudsman services are available for companies in our targeted industries, including information communication technology, highly-specialized manufacturing, federal government contracting, and agriculture. Other projects of a large scale will also be considered.

If you would like the help of Loudoun Workforce Analyst Nancy Evanko, please fill out the form below with a detailed request:

Loudoun Economic Development Workforce Analyst Nancy Evanko

Are you a Loudoun County employer who needs help hiring in the technology, highly specialized manufacturing, government contracting or agricultural industries? Please fill out a detailed request form below:

Loudoun Workforce Resource Center, Mike Bozeth

Are you a Loudoun County employer looking to fill part-time, hourly or entry-level positions? Please fill out a detailed request form below:

Full List of Employer and Jobseeker Partner Resources