What is the purpose of the Available Land Database?
The purpose of the Available Land Database is to provide a matching service allowing interested parties to connect with landowners.
The database lists sites that are zoned for office or industrial uses, are vacant, and are currently represented by an agent. It does not include land zoned for retail or residential uses.
Land currently being rezoned has not been included.
Loudoun’s incorporated towns may have land parcels zoned for office and industrial use, but these are not included in this database. Please contact the towns directly if you are interested in locating in one of Loudoun’s seven towns.
What are the criteria for listing in this database?
Land Listing Criteria:
• Zoned for office and industrial development
• Currently represented by an agent
• Vacant
How is the vacant usable land calculated?
Vacant usable land is calculated from total acres less floodplain, as reflected in Loudoun County records. Build-out density is based on maximum Floor Area Ratio.
How is the Floor Area Ratio calculated?
The FAR calculations are based on maximum FAR, as stated in the 1993 Revised Zoning Ordinance or the square footage approved through a rezoning. The most recent changes to the zoning ordinance increased potential maximum densities. However, sites may require a legislative process to take advantages of these density increases.
What are the development time frames?
The development time frames listed below account for the total time required for an application to be reviewed, which includes review time with the applicant and the county. The time frames represent the review from the point of county acceptance of the application.
- 0-3 years: Land that needs site and building plan approval prior to construction. Site and building plan design and review takes approximately 6-8 months, representing time for the applicant to design and submit, and for the county to review, with construction assumed to take 1-2 years.
- 4-8 years: Land that needs to be subdivided and needs site and building plan approval prior to construction. The subdivision process adds approximately 6-8 months to the development process, representing time for the applicant to prepare the documents and for the county to review. Land in this category often requires bonds and easements that can add an additional 6-8 months to the time frame.
- Over 9 years: Land that is zoned but has not been through any part of the development process. (For example—the Moorefield Station transit core whose density is tied to the delivery of Metrorail).
How is the 'land status' defined?
“Land status” is defined by the Department of Economic Development and is based on discussions with landowners regarding their marketing or development plans as well as the current condition of the site.
Each landowner/representative is only allowed to select one land status category; however, you are encouraged to contact land owners/representative directly to discuss other options.
- Lot Sale: Land that is subdivided, is ready for development and offered for sale.
- Land Sale: Land available for sale as-is and typically large acreage. Many of these properties may require subdivision.
- Developer: Land owned by a developer who prefers build-to-suit opportunities; however, please contact to discuss purchase options.
What are the Loudoun County commercial corridors?
Loudoun County has six commercial corridors. Descriptions of each corridor is provided below.
- Route 7: Planned for office and research and development campuses.
- Route 625: Planned for flex (mix of office and industrial) development; however, is developing more as office. The majority of the vacant sites have a special exception to allow 100% office. A robust internet infrastructure, including a MAE-East location in Ashburn, supported the development of the data center cluster, one of the strongest in the nation.
- Route 606: Planned for industrial and allows outdoor storage. Parallels the airport.
- Route 28: Planned for suburban office and flex settings; medium-density, compact, pedestrian-oriented office clusters; and higher density, transit-oriented mixed-use office centers.
- The Dulles Greenway: Planned for office with two sites zoned for high-density, transit-oriented development (Moorefield Station and Loudoun Station), and one transit supportive site (Innovation Station). Metrorail is expected to be operational in 2020.
- Route 50: Planned for a mix of retail, industrial and office.
What are the zoning classifications?
The following classifications are to be used as a guide only and uses vary in the Route 28 Tax District depending on the governing ordinance.
1. PD-IP — Planned Development Industrial Park
Established for office uses, light and medium industrial uses, and necessary supporting accessory uses and facilities, designed with a park-like atmosphere.
FAR/density maximum: 0.40 maximum; with potential to 0.60.t
2. PD-OP — Planned Development Office Park
Established primarily for development of administrative, business and professional offices, and necessary supporting accessory uses and facilities, designed in a park like atmosphere. Projects should be designed to include extensive landscaping with careful attention to aesthetic considerations such as signs, lighting, parking, and service area. Also provides for data center uses.
FAR/density maximum: 0.60 maximum; with potential to 2.0.
3. PD-RDP — Planned Development Research and Development Park
A planned mixed employment park with a comprehensive development plan, which is designed to ensure compatibility between the land-use activities therein and the existing activities and character of the community in which the facility is located.
FAR/density maximum: 0.60 maximum; with potential to 2.0.
4. PD-GI — Planned Development General Industrial
Established for medium industrial uses with a public nuisance potential such as: storage, manufacturing, distribution, freight forwarding. Outdoor storage permitted.
FAR/density maximum: 0.40 maximum.
5. PD-TRC — Planned Development – Transit Related Center
Established to provide for a compatible mixture of commercial, cultural, institutional, governmental, recreational, and high density housing uses in compact, pedestrian oriented, transit oriented developments and transit-designed supportive areas serving as focal points for nearby related activity centers and residential areas. Planned rail and bus facilities are integral to this mixed-use concept and the County will consider density increases as roads, bus and rail service are available to the district. These higher intensity, mixed-use development projects will serve to promote linkage of employment and residential uses.
FAR/density maximum: 2.0 maximum with potential to 3.0.
6. PD-TC — Planned Development – Town Center
Established to provide for a mixture of commercial and residential uses in compact, pedestrian- oriented, traditional town centers.
FAR/density maximum: No requirement.
7. PD-TREC — Planned Development – Transit Related Employment Center
Established to provide for a mix of compatible uses in a high-density, pedestrian and transit-oriented, and compact employment or special activity center. The district regulations are designed to accommodate high-intensity employment or a special activity use and supporting a mixture of uses appropriate to a district location that is: within the 65 Ldn noise contours associated with Washington/Dulles Airport and adjacent to planned rapid bus and rail transit lines.
FAR/density maximum: maximum 2.0 with rail.
8. PD-MUB — Planned Development-Mixed Use Business District
Established to provide for mixed use business developments. The district encourages a compact pedestrian-oriented mix of uses. The uses are regional office, light industrial uses, retail, service, civic and high density residential uses located in close proximity to each other in order to create an attractive environment in which to live, work and play.
FAR/density maximum: 0.50 maximum with potential to 1.0.
9. CLI — Commercial Light Industry
Established to accommodate a mix of similar and compatible office and industrial uses, and related supportive commercial retail and service uses along the Route 50/John Mosby Highway Corridor. The CLI district shall have limited traffic and aesthetic impacts on surrounding properties and on supporting public facilities and utilities. The CLI district is intended to generate development through the use of creative design that will enhance the character of the surrounding area and contribute to the development of a distinctive gateway along the Route 50 corridor. The district may allow tourist supportive uses to serve visitors and maximize on opportunities afforded by its proximity to the Air and Space Museum.
FAR/density maximum: 0.30 maximum with potential to 0.60.
Permitting Process
How does an applicant know if permits have been approved?
When all aspects of a permit are approved, a representative from Building & Development calls and informs the client of the permit fee.
How long does the permit-approval process take?
Generally, it is about ten days for approval of ordinary applications and about 4-6 weeks if you’re building from the ground-up.
*Note: Zoning does not do their approval for new buildings until the site plan has been completely approved.
What is WAIRS?
Web Automated Inspection Request System is a means of scheduling construction inspections in Loudoun County. Contractors must use the system to schedule inspections. Learn more about scheduling inspections.
Where do I pick up my Occupancy sign-off sheet?
Occupancy sign-off sheets are available at the front counter in the Building & Development office.
1 Harrison St. SE
Leesburg, VA 20175
Ph: 703-777-0220
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm Loudoun County Building & Development