fJoining other national leaders in locating along Data Center Alley, Corporate Office Properties Trust purchased 34 acres in 2013 for the development of a data center campus in Ashburn. The company is in the process of constructing a 435,000-square-foot campus which will serve an investment-grade Fortune 500 company.

Columbia, Maryland-based COPT was accepted into Loudoun County Government’s Fast-Track Commercial Incentive Program program for expedited process and approvals, and received their conditional approval in April 2013. In discussing his experience with Loudoun, COPT Senior VP of Government Services Chuck Fiala said, “We were very impressed with the professionals in Loudoun County and the way they have embraced this project. They’ve been responsive and thorough, and we look forward to a smooth construction process.”

As with other companies who have participated in the Fast-Track program, the company’s senior leadership and construction team of engineers and designers had high praise for Loudoun County several months into project development. From Loudoun project managers all the way to on-site inspectors, COPT found Loudoun County staff responsive, creative in finding solutions, welcoming and clear in setting expectations.