By July 31, 2023August 2nd, 2023Blog, News Flash, Rural/Agriculture News, Featured


ABOUT US: The Loudoun County Department of Economic Development (DED) is a full-service economic development organization under the structure of the Loudoun County government dedicated to recruiting new business, growing existing industries and improving the county’s business climate. DED has adopted the following statements as guiding principles:

DED Vision: Our vision is a diverse and globally competitive Loudoun economy.
DED Mission: To strengthen and diversify Loudoun’s economy by providing world class and innovative customer-focused services to attract, grow and retain targeted businesses of all sizes.

ABOUT THE PROJECT: Loudoun County has been awarded a grant through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program. The goal of the grant-funded project is to increase production of, and access to, Loudoun farm products.

The objective of this phase of the grant is to conduct a feasibility study to understand the existing relationships between Loudoun growers and their clients, gaps in the marketplace, potential opportunities. and a set of clear strategies in wholesale contracts with public/private institutions and businesses that will increase Loudoun Made Loudoun Grown (LMLG) Supplier production and increase opportunities to sell existing product.
Specific tasks include:

  1.  Conduct an inventory and supply analysis to identify gaps, producer capacity and existing infrastructure in Loudoun County and in the region. The number and characteristics of rural food producers and food entrepreneurs, and current production capacity of fruit, vegetable, and dairy products will be measured. The potential supply analysis will assess the number of acres of production growers could supply/add in the next five years, grower interest in seasonal extension and for which crops, interest in expanding production to new or different products, certifications, food distribution, processing options and food aggregation/storage opportunities.
  2. Conduct a current demand analysis to identify potential food manufacturing, wholesale, retail, and distribution opportunities. Included in this analysis should be wholesale distribution customers, retail customers, restaurants, hotels, and institutional food service providers. The analysis should evaluate the potential opportunities and challenges for these organizations to do business with local food producers. Finally, the analysis should provide information on the business methods of the different potential customers — purchasing procedures, product quality specifications, minimum volume and packaging requirements, and food safety requirements.
  3. Identify existing distributors for Loudoun producers and strategies to engage wholesale distribution customers, retail customers, restaurants, hotels, and institutional food service providers. Alternative feasible operating models will be identified including food-cooperatives, distribution / aggregation, infrastructure upgrades and workforce / training programs.
  4. The selected consultant will coordinate with DED on a twice-monthly basis on the project activities throughout the term of the project. The DED will work closely with the consultant to provide guidance, feedback, and input as the consultant conducts the feasibility study and provides DED with the final deliverables.

RFQ Released: July 31, 2023
Responses Due: COB August 11, 2023

NEXT STEPS: Interested parties should send their responses via email to the contact listed below and may include links to websites or other sources for viewing respondent’s portfolio. Please make sure you address the schedule and budget items listed below, but otherwise please let us know who you are, what you offer, and how you would approach such a project. Please makes sure to indicate any areas outlined above that you cannot fulfill and whether you utilize any partnerships or sub-contracting in your work.After receiving responses, DED plans to narrow the selection to at least three respondents for further discussion before making a final decision. All decisions and final timelines are subject to the purchasing and procurement rules of Loudoun County, but our goal is to have a contract in place by mid-August.

SCHEDULE AND BUDGET: The projected timeline for the project is September 2023 through February 2024. The project budget is approximately $90,000.
It is requested that all respondents include in their response all-inclusive pricing with set costs.

CONTACT: Any questions relative to this request and all responses should be directed to John Magistro, Business Development Officer – Agriculture and Business Services at