‘Work In Loudoun’ Initiative Launches to Connect Jobseekers With Opportunities

Work in Loudoun

On Thursday, Loudoun Economic Development unveiled its new “Work In Loudoun” initiative, providing a suite of customized professional services to connect the region’s workforce with open positions at businesses in the county.

The program provides valuable resources to three key economic audiences: regional employees and jobseekers, current Loudoun businesses, and businesses or site selectors that are considering investing in Loudoun County.

Learn more about the available services at WorkInLoudoun.com.

“Skilled workers are the lifeblood of any organization, and businesses locate in Loudoun because of our region’s robust talent pipeline. That starts with nationally ranked public-school systems, elite higher education institutions, and a top-notch quality of life for our workforce,” Loudoun Economic Development Executive Director Buddy Rizer explained. “‘Work In Loudoun’ is a proactive approach to attracting, developing and retaining that talent, organizing a coalition of #LoudounPossible partners, and matching jobseekers with available positions.

He added: “These services will better prepare Loudoun’s economy, our talent and our businesses to compete in the future.”

Loudoun County and the global economy are still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused unemployment to rise as high as 9.9% in April 2020. Despite the negative impact for “touch” industries, the pandemic has created growth opportunities for many tech businesses.

There are currently more than 130,000 jobs open in high tech businesses across Northern Virginia.

‘Work In Loudoun’ is designed to provide value to Loudoun businesses and the region’s workforce, including anyone seeking a new job, career advancement or career change. Here is an overview of each service:

For Jobseekers and Employees:

  • Loudoun Jobs Portal: Unveiled in April, this searchable dashboard is designed to show every available job in Loudoun County. Sourcing data from more than 10,000 public job boards and filtered by zip code, the Loudoun Jobs Portal helped fuel thousands of job searches in the aftermath of COVID-19.
  • Employment Assistance: Whether you’re looking for a niche job that doesn’t normally appear on job boards, or you’re looking to increase your skillset, we have a community of partners that are ready to help prepare you for your next job.
  • Talent Spotlights: Behind every job is a person with a unique story. Loudoun Economic Development will continue to use its @loudounbiz Instagram account to tell the unique stories of people living, actively working or seeking to #WorkInLoudoun.

For Current Loudoun Businesses:

  • Ombudsman Assistance: Loudoun Economic Development is a full-service economic development organization, which includes custom workforce solutions from Workforce Development Manager Nancy Evanko. If your business is ready to hire or upskill existing talent, Evanko will work with you to overcome any growing pains, or connect you with any of our dozens of regional and community partners.
  • Opportunity Spotlights: Leverage the power of Loudoun Economic Development’s marketing services to help build the pipeline of talent that you need. Don’t see your open positions on the Loudoun Jobs Portal? Fill out a simple request form to make sure that your job listings are reflected. Loudoun Economic Development has also launched the @WorkInLoudoun Twitter account to help showcase the existing job opportunities at Loudoun businesses, and encourages businesses to use the hashtag #WorkInLoudoun across social media for employment opportunities and workforce stories.

For Future Loudoun Businesses:

  • Regional Labor Data: Loudoun Economic Development has partnered with Northern Virginia Community College’s Labor Market Research team to provide the latest information and trends on population, employment rates, degrees and certifications, average wages, cost of living, income, commute time and more.

The ‘Work In Loudoun’ offerings will be augmented over time, and add to Loudoun’s suite of non-cash incentives for businesses locating in the county. Under the ‘Work In Loudoun’ initiative, Nancy Evanko will work directly with businesses on customized solutions, including research, human resources and marketing assistance.

“‘Work In Loudoun’ is a distinctly coordinated effort to provide the talent that fuels Loudoun’s vibrant economy,” Evanko said. “We’re ready to help businesses of any size tap into the region’s robust talent pipeline.”

Learn more about the full suite of services and tools at WorkInLoudoun.com.