Message from Executive Director Buddy Rizer: Loudoun Is Ready. Are You?

By May 29, 2020December 17th, 2020Small Biz, coronavirus, Blog, Featured
Loudoun Is Ready buddy rizer

Message from Buddy Rizer on Loudoun Is Ready: “We are marking an important milestone in our recovery from COVID-19, as we enter into the next phase of the Virginia Governor’s plan to re-open the economy.

“But opening our doors is only the first step.

“We also need to let consumers know that we are taking their health and safety seriously, so they have the confidence to return to their normal activities.

“That’s why we have created Loudoun Is Ready with the Loudoun Chamber and Visit Loudoun. It’s easy and free to participate.

“Just take the pledge at, and we’ll provide you with marketing opportunities and materials to show your customers that you are ready to welcome them back.

“Loudoun is ready. We are ready. I am ready. Are you ready?”

Loudoun Is Ready: Take the Pledge!

More about Loudoun Is Ready: The three largest organizations that support Loudoun County’s business community have launched the campaign to prepare local businesses and consumers to reopen safely, as COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Created by Loudoun Economic Development, Visit Loudoun and the Loudoun Chamber of Commerce, the campaign unites business owners and boosts consumer confidence as they look to return to the restaurants, shops, wineries, breweries and other businesses that call Loudoun home. Companies in Loudoun are encouraged to take a pledge that they will meet the latest safety guidelines outlined by the Virginia Department of Health and Centers for Disease Prevention and Control.

More about Take Loudoun Home: Loudoun Economic Development has joined forces with Visit Loudoun and the Loudoun Chamber of Commerce with an important call to action for consumers: Take Loudoun Home. This comprehensive marketing campaign, initially launched to promote farms and rural businesses in spring 2019, has grown significantly in its second year to include all Loudoun County businesses affected by the COVID-19 health crisis.