Having Remote Work Woes? Get Creative With Collaboration and Team Recognition

Tammy Bjelland #LoudounPossible Pod

Tammy Bjelland #LoudounPossible Pod

In the 13th episode of the #LoudounPossible Pod, Workplaceless founder and CEO Tammy Bjelland joined Loudoun Economic Development Executive Director and podcast host Buddy Rizer.

Long before the outbreak of COVID-19, Bjelland recognized the growing need for and the benefits of flexible work. Combined with her experience rooted in learning and development, she built her company to address the gap in resources available to support effective and growth-oriented remote workers and companies.

Under normal circumstances, she works with businesses and their employees to help establish systems and expectations that foster success for everyone.

“I realized that in addition to training individuals, we really need to work with organizations to understand benefits, and how to deploy remote work in an effective way,” she said. “Right now, I think it’s really important to distinguish what is sustainable remote work, and what is sudden or emergency remote work.”

As many of us have transitioned to a remote work environment due to the coronavirus, there has been a steep learning curve for many companies. It has also put more pressure on remote workers.

“What we are dealing with right now is not business as usual. To have your entire family under one roof 24-7 and still try to do your work as you would in the office, that is literally impossible,” she continued. “Let go of some of those earlier expectations that you had and understand that you have to be flexible, you have to create a new structure with whatever limitations you have, and just be open and transparent with yourself and your colleagues.”

Bjelland also points out that remote work presents an opportunity for managers to think about leadership in a different way.

“The top mistake leaders make is trying to recreate everything they do in an office in a home environment,” she said, adding that managers should strive to find ways to create and maintain a culture of collaboration and find unique ways to acknowledge their teams.

Bjelland’s expert advice on the tools and the tricks of teleworking will give you a fresh perspective on the work world so many have adapted to during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Listen to the full #LoudounPossible Pod episode with Workplaceless’ Tammy Bjelland: