Spotlight On: Health Innovation and Technology

By June 20, 2012February 13th, 2018Health Care, Blog

Health Innovation and Technology is one of Loudoun, Virginia’s emerging clusters. With more than 60 Health Innovation and Technology firms already in place, more and more big names are seeing Loudoun’s advantages and setting up shop in our county.

There are many regional factors that make Loudoun an ideal location for life science companies. On a state level, Virginia leads the nation with the highest concentration of technology workers. According to the Tech America Foundation, 98 of every 1,000 of Virginia’s private sector workers are employed in the tech industry. On a local level, Loudoun is a leader in intellectual capital, with 58.4 percent of our adult population holding a Bachelor’s degree or higher. That’s more than double the national average.

Loudoun’s location is key; providing access to top facilities. Howard Hughes Medical Center’s Janelia Farms Research Campus and Virginia Tech’s Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center are just two research campuses that call Loudoun home. We’re also within thirty miles of the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the National Science Foundation, and more. Proximity to Dulles Airport puts the entire bio-tech world at your fingertips.

The Department of Economic Development welcomes life science companies, offering personalized site-selection assistance and Fast-Track Commercial Incentive Program processing for targeted life sciences companies. For more information on this cluster, check out our Health, Innovation and Technology page or contact Rick Morris.