Signatures of Loudoun Awards Put Faces to Places

Loudoun, Virginia is home to many beautiful buildings. Whether it’s our historic log cabins, 19th century homes, or more modern businesses, there’s no shortage of great design in the area. The annual Signatures of Loudoun Design Awards aim to highlight the best of the best and recognize the people who work so hard to bring beauty to Loudoun– both through architecture and green space.

Held on June 5 at the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors meeting, 10 winners were recognized for design excellence. These winners represent the diverse beauty that can be found throughout the county: from an historic mansion, to an organic garden, to Loudoun’s new state-of-the-art solar-powered youth shelter.

Susan VanEpps, Loudoun staff liason for the awards, said of the selection process, “The Design Cabinet selected the winners from nominations submitted by the public in winter 2012. Ten projects were chosen for best representing both design excellence, and fit within their particular award category.”

After the official ceremony, a reception was held at Lightfoot Restaurant in downtown Leesburg. There, winners mingled and shared stories about their buildings and spaces. We heard from Joan Gardiner, the artist behind the intricate tile work that greets patrons at the newly-remodeled Rust Library in Leesburg, and winner of the Details award. Jimmy Roberts spoke about Pete’s Shed, a family tool shed that has been decorated with antique tools for generations. 

All of the winners had an opportunity to share their stories, whether it was of a remodel, a restoration, or a completely new building. Tales of family, sustainability and innovation were told throughout the evening.

This is the eighth year of Signatures of Loudoun, but the Design Cabinet isn’t in any danger of running out of nominees. Stay tuned to see what will be the cream of the crop next year.

2012 Signatures of Loudoun Design Award Winners

See photos of all of the 2012 winners
View the full gallery of the 2012 Signatures of Loudoun Design Excellence Awards